Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Larry D. Willis Sr of The Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court


is an inclination of temperament or outlook to present or hold a partial perspective and a refusal to even consider the possible merits of alternative points of view. People may be biased toward or against an individual, a race, a religion, a social class, or a political party. Biased means one-sided, lacking a neutral viewpoint, not having an open mind. Bias can come in many forms and is often considered to be synonymous with prejudice or bigotry.

Over 24,000 men a year commit suicide due to the unconstitutional denial of basic rights of fathers in family courts. Some 250,000, or more, men are falsely and unlawfully placed into debtor’s prisons each day.

Larry D. Willis Sr of The Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court

No one wants to go to court but sometimes it is unavoidable.  I have been to court many times and I have learned allot about the law not because I chose to but because I had too.  After being in a court room on multiple occasions I realize that most judges are pretty fair and you always felt a sense of safety being in front of a honorable fair judge that made a fair ruling of the case whether it was a ruling in my favor or not.    Many people get angry when they lose in court and go off the deep end.

I’m not angry and I never had a problem with any ruling because I knew that the court was fair and the judge ruling over the case was unbiased.   Also most of my life I have always had allot of confidence in our legal system.    This all changed once I had a case at the Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court with Judge Larry Willis presiding.   Since then I have talked to many people that have been in front of Larry D. Willis of the Chesapeake Juvenile and DomesticRelations District Court.

One attorney told me this when I scheduled a free consultation “Judge Willis is quite possibly the worse Judge in the area!”  Furthermore he went on to say “Off record, Judge Larry Willis will bash attorneys, bash witnesses and he is totally bias.”  He also said that he has defended multiple clients in front of Judge Larry D. Willis for many years.   This gets kind of scary for a lawyer that I just met to tell me this and to put so much emotion into his words as he did in a free consultation appointment.  Since then I have talked to group leaders of fathers’ rights movements and heard horrible stories from other fathers who have experienced the loss of visitation and who work like slaves to pay an enormous amount of child support set by Judge Larry Willisof the Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court.   Not only in most cases will this Judge not listen to the father he will try to intimidate you as much as possible.  This Judge will order you to pay 65% of your income leaving you with almost nothing to live on.

Judge Larry Willis of the Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court is as bias as they come!  He is the most unfair Judge that I have ever seen in a court room to this day aside from Judge Lewis of the City of Virginia Beach Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court who was removed in 2002 for being unorthodox.

Accordingly, we order that Judge Lewis be, and he hereby is, censured for engaging in “conduct prejudicial to the proper administration of justice.”   Va. Const. art.   VI, § 10;  Code § 17.1-906
Now Judge Lewis was bad at times but on occasion he still made a fair ruling.     In the Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court a father has no rights!  There is nothing fair in this court.  There are stories about the other two judges in Chesapeake online that I have found but I can’t say anything about them because I only faced the bias wraith of Judge Larry Willis of the Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court.   In this his court room you have no rights if you are a father.  The mother gets exactly what she wants and then some. 

Don’t get me wrong here, I want to be a good father and take care of my kids and the fathers that do not pay child support, sure!   Throw the book at them!  But when you’re a good father that works his tail off to pay his support you should always get a fair trial.   I believe in taking care of my kids but to take all my income and also to take all my rights to my children away in one of the most awful things anyone can experience. 

 Judge Larry D. Willis of the Chesapeake JDR Courts will hit you with thousands of dollars in arrears every time you go to court that way he can take your right to an appeal by making you pay thousands to a bond before you can file an appeal.  He purposely  takes all of your income then if you want to file an appeal you have to somehow come up with thousands of dollars.  This is a judge that does not want his ruling to be changed and abuses his power and authority.  

In Virginia a judge can make up income out of thin air!  It’s called imputative income.   Even if you make less money than you did before or if you have lost your job!  I petty any person in the court room of dishonorable Larry D. Willis, Chief Judge First Judicial District - Serving J&DR Court(s).    If your income has gone down or if you lose your job he will still make up a fairy tale income that you never made and hit you with thousands in child support arrears so there is no way to appeal your case.  I never have seen a Judge so dishonest, so bias and so unfair. 

In my first case in front of Judge Larry D. Willis of theChesapeake JDR Courts he kicked the court reporter out of the court room, little did I know that this was my only defense against this  dishonorable Judge.

 Judge Larry D. Willis Chairman, Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission of Virginia

Judge Larry D. Willis of the Chesapeake JDR Courts was once a chairman on the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission. A report was filed with the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission to investigate him.   They did nothing!  This is corruption in our judicial system!

  Judge Larry D. Willis of the Chesapeake JDR Courts hides behind the confidentiality of the Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court and abuses his judgeship knowing that your only defense is having a court reporter which he will also have removed from the courtroom.  This is one of the most low down dirty tactics that I have ever seen or heard of used by a judge.  Everyone is entitled to have a court reporter in the room but not in the court room of Larry Willis.  There is undoubtedly no fairness, no justice and you have no rights as a father in his court room!

After talking to a few fathers groups they  told me that the same situations have been happening all over the country with hardly any awareness given to the public.   The public needs to know what’s happening in our courtrooms across America.   I think since the dead beat dads program started in the 90s Judges were given too much power and harsh laws were passed specifically aimed at the non-custodial parents.    

Imputative income is a law that should be abolished.  It allows the Judge to make up a fantasy income, an income that never existed right out of thin air.  Then they can charge you with thousands in arrears on that fantasy make believe income.

Wake up people!   JudgeLarry D. Willis of the Chesapeake JDR Courts breaks federal law on a daily basis.  Judge Larry D. Willis, Sr. was once or even maybe still is a chairman on the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission board.   He reviewed and fired other judges while he is a total hypocrite.   He is probably one of the worse judicial offenders in Virginia!

Let’s get together to remove this injustice!

If you are in the court room of Judge Larry Willis of the Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, you have my sympathy and if you want to do something to have this Judge removed than contact me at:  peoplevslarrywillis@gmail

There are also links to help below:

General information about the Commission, how to file a complaint, and how complaints are investigated.
Contact Information
Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission
P.O. Box 367 Richmond, Virginia 23218-0367
Phone - (804) 786-6636
FAX - (804) 371-0650

Fathers For Justice Links:

1 comment:

  1. I disagree. What he really hates is an educated African American Woman. He took my son from me and gave him to my abusive exboyfriend, who I stopped dating when I was 3 months pregnant. Also to make an example out of me he is ordering me to pay child support now and put me in the arrears to pay back the dead beat dad that had to be forced by the DCSE to give anything to his child in the first place.
